Friday, June 21, 2013

YA Guy Announces... His First Giveaway!

YA Guy loves giveaways. And YA Guy would love to give away copies of my own futuristic YA novel, Survival Colony Nine.

But there's a problem: it doesn't come out until fall 2014.

That's too long for you good people to wait. So in the meantime, we must develop an alternative plan.

Happily, YA Guy has on hand another book, written by yours truly, and dealing with one of my favorite subjects: MONSTER MOVIES!

That's right, I'm going to be running a giveaway of my book Framing Monsters, which discusses movies like King Kong (my all-time fave), Jurassic Park, The Seventh Voyage of SinbadEdward Scissorhands, X-Men, and more!  It's an academic book, true, but it is, in my humble opinion, also a great read.  And don't take my word for it--find some reviews online (very easy to do if you Google the title), or check out this interview on John W. Morehead's awesome website Theofantastique.

Did you check it out? Sounds pretty cool, huh?

So here's the deal. I'm calling this my '13 Giveaway, and this is how it works. Once this blog reaches 1300 page views or 13 followers (whichever comes first), the giveaway will begin. I'm close to both targets, so it shouldn't be long before we can start--if, that is, you folks get busy, join the site, read the posts, invite others to do the same, tweet about it, and all that good stuff. Before you know it, you'll have a chance to get your hands on a free, signed copy of the book that (I speak without false modestly here) revolutionized how we talk about monster movies today!

So what are you waiting for? I can't do this myself.

YA Guy says: let the pre-giveaway begin!


  1. I've been meaning to pop over here from twitter--glad I finally managed it :) Framing Monsters sounds awesome!

    1. Thanks, Meradeth! It's great to have you on the site!
