Sunday, December 13, 2015

YA Guy Gives Away... Free Copies of SURVIVAL COLONY 9!

The title of this post says it all: I'm giving away free signed copies of SURVIVAL COLONY 9!

Why? Two reasons. First, I've been thinking of ways to thank everyone who's supported my book, and this seems like a good way (and a good time of year) to do it. Second, copies of SCAVENGER OF SOULS will be coming in before I know it, and I've got to start clearing my shelves to make room for them.

So here's the deal: if you want a free, signed paperback copy of SC9, just leave your name and mailing address in the comments section--or, if you'd prefer that not everyone on earth had your address, email it to me at (I'm afraid I can ship only to U.S. mailing addresses. I apologize for that, but the costs of international mailing on this scale are simply too high.) If you want your copy inscribed, tell me who I should make it out to. As the orders come in, I'll put them in the mail. If you want your book by Christmas, you should get the order to me soon. But the giveaway will keep running until I'm out of copies. 

So that's it, folks. Free copies, no strings attached. (A review on Goodreads and/or Amazon would be nice, but it's not a condition of getting the book.) Just my way of saying thanks.

Have a great holiday season, and I'll see you in 2016!


YA Guy


  1. Alexis Dressen
    8270 South Grizzly Way
    West Jordan, UT 84081


    1. I'm a middle school English teacher and would love as many as you would love to send.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Carson Wrublik
    7300 hidden valley dr
    Boise id 83709

    And you can make it out to Carson. You are so awesome!! Thank you!!

  4. Sandra Bauguess
    225 Marcus Tucker Rd.
    Elkin, NC 28621

    Just 1 please!!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Eliance Snyder
    784 S 2nd Street
    Indiana Pa, 15701

    You were my girlfriend's professor, and I'm kind of a survival nut. She sent me this link, and honestly after reading your short synopsis and hearing how much she loved it, I'm super excited to read this! Thank you so much for this awesome giveaway!
